IFC’s Mission for Fluid Innovation

Today’s marketplace is worldwide. If you can streamline commercialization on a global basis, you can help speed the changes the world’s consumers want. Founded by OEMs, the IFC works with industry partners to create global fluid standards and to make tomorrow’s fluids available faster. The world is a big place, and IFC members are working […]
LUBES’N’GREASE: IFC Undertakes Third Global Spec

By Tim Sullivan – October 11, 2023 The International Fluids Consortium is working on base oil interchange guidelines and a registration system that will allow it to bring its first two automotive engine oil specifications to market. Note: Free Registration required by Lubes’N’Grease to read complete article. Read More: https://www.lubesngreases.com/lubereport-americas/6_41/ifc-undertakes-third-global-spec/
IFC Presents at UNITI Conference in Germany

Don’t miss Mike Kunselman, Center for Quality Assurance (CQA), Administrator for IFC, presenting at the UNITI Conference in Germany on JULY 5TH! Fluids are a critical component in supporting the evolution of vehicles. The IFC assists this innovation by establishing and maintaining global fluid standards that keep pace with automotive advancements. Contact us for more information.
IFC Participates in Kline Trendwatch Webinar

A series of emerging trends are transforming the global lubricants additives industry. Mike Kunselman, Business Development Manager, Center for Quality Assurance (CQA), Administrator for the IFC, participates in Kline Trendwatch Webinar: The Global Lubricant Additives Market.
IFC Presents at F+L Week June 14, 2023

Event: F+ L Week, Conference & Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Theme of this year’s conference is “Fuels and Lubricants: Navigating the Energy Transition.” Presentation Title: International Fluids Consortium: Creating Performance Standards for the Energy Transition Presenter: Michael Kunselman, Business Development Manager, Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) Date: June 14, 2023 Event Link: https://www.fuelsandlubes.com/fl-week/
New Global Engine Oil Specifications Under Final Review, F + L Daily, May 2022

The International Fluids Consortium (IFC) was established in 2020 by 11 vehicle manufacturers, to replace the current fragmented regional approach to developing automotive lubricant specifications with a more efficient global system. Engine oil development is still one of the most effective ways to improve fuel economy. The consortium is looking to develop a system that […]
IFC to launch new global engine oil standards

The critical importance of automotive fluids is often overlooked and undervalued. This can result in a disconnect between what we need and is possible, with what is available, says Teri Kowalski, principal engineer, powertrain division, Toyota Motor North America. Vehicle designs and technologies are evolving at a faster pace than ever before, and consumers and […]
Does this spell the end of ILSAC?

Representatives from some of the world’s leading original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) announced the formation of the International Fluids Consortium (IFC) yesterday at SAE International’s WCX World Congress Experience Digital Summit. Teri Kowalski, principal engineer at Toyota Motor North America, presented how the International Fluids Consortium will develop performance-based fluid specifications that will ensure current and […]
OEMs Propose Global System for Specs

A new automaker organization is proposing a global framework to develop industry performance specifications for lubricants and other fluids used in on-road vehicles, stating a desire to speed and streamline the work of current regional approaches. The International Fluids Consortium aims to replace or consolidate frameworks currently run through pillar organizations such as ACEA, ILSAC, […]